Legal Help for Those With Lung Cancer

There have been lawsuits related to lung cancer. Some have involved going after tobacco companies and others have been related to asbestos companies. Because asbestos has been tied to lung cancer and the asbestos industry not only concealed, but also covered up, the dangers of asbestos, they have been sued and have created trust funds for cancer patients.

Compensation may be available for those diagnosed with lung cancer and who have a history of working with or around asbestos products. If you or a family member has lung cancer and was exposed to asbestos, contact us at 1-800-998-9729 for information on potential financial compensation.

lung-cancer-asbestos-workersThis compensation does not come from your current or former employers. The asbestos companies are the ones who covered up the hazards of asbestos. It has been proven that until the early to mid-1970s, when the federal government stepped in, a group of manufacturers actively conspired to keep knowledge of asbestos hazards a secret. Some actually disseminated information indicating asbestos was a safe substance.

Asbestos Was Everywhere

In that 40 to 50 year period, the industry made billions of dollars manufacturing asbestos products which were installed in almost all:

industrial sites
Industrial Sites
...and more in America.

It is well documented that the civilian asbestos industry concealed the dangers of asbestos and misled the public and its own workers. The asbestos industry's cover-up did not keep the truth from federal health officials, among them Navy doctors and other government health experts. Naval medical authorities were aware that asbestos posed a danger early on. Veterans with lung cancer may have additional compensation options; contact us for more information.

Cooper, Hart, Leggiero & Whitehead, PLLC has represented clients throughout the United States and helped them recover compensation from the asbestos companies.

If you, or someone you know, has lung cancer and you would like to know if they qualify for additional compensation, please call 1-800-998-9729 for a FREE consultation.